Van Den Abbeel-Van Paesschen Lebbeke: If you talk about Lebbeke in the international pigeon world everybody thinks automatically about the known fanciers Aelbrecht Marcel and De Rauw-Sablon. They are living icons that have written a part of the chronicles of Belgian...
Etienne Buyle I’m going to start off with a very difficult question; who is the best middle distance racer from Belgium? Well, I’m going to get several different names and they all will have the right claiming this ‘officious title’. But...
Etienne Meirlaen has made a phenomal 2017. Together with Yvette and Aline they were invincible on the extreme long distance races. National Champion Extreme Long Distance, 1st and 3rd ace bird extreme long distance and 4th national ace bird Long distance and extreme...
Sleidinge: For this report we went to visit Geert and his son Seppe De Clercq or the national champions KBDB middle distance young birds 2017. Geert De Clercq has been active within the pigeon sport since 32 years en since 2 years he races under his own name from his...
Gino Clicque (Wevelgem) was again outstanding in 2017 with a 1st National Ace bird GMD year birds KBDB as a reward Reculer pour mieux sauter A nice French saying that says it all what Gino and Jasper realised over the last few years. They had a marvellous sale of all...