National champion KBDB yearlings long distance & extreme long distance.

The name Denduyver is in the North-West of Flanders, and way beyond, an established value within pigeon sport…everyone that has to race again them knows it, when you are able to beat them you’re not far from a 1st prize. This has always been the case for the father of Ferdinand, late Cyriel Denduyver…it is like this at his sister/brother in law Deschacht-Denduyver…and this is also the case at Ferdinand and Karel Denduyver.
Ferdinand, forms together with his son Karel, a perfect duo, they complete each other…and despite the fact that Karel lives about 10km from the lofts in Ichtegem, he stops by nearly every day…there is room and space for discussion, and once in a while they mock each other…but the main thing they share is a lot of joy…and there’s nothing more beautiful as that between a father and son.

*Loft and strains:
-Ferdinand and Karel own 27 breeders
On the breeding loft they add each year a few young pigeons, specially bred out of the best breeding and racing pigeons…from 2018 and 2019 you can find about 10 new breeding pigeons on the breeding loft.
-For the season of 2020 you can find 29 widow cocks (13 old + 16 year birds),
and 18 racing hens (6 old + 12 year birds)
-About 120 youngsters are being ringed each year to race in Ichtegem.

The present strains:
Cyriel Denduyver, Deschacht-Denduyver, Marc en Geert Pollin, M. & F. Van De Walle, Gino Depestel, Vandepoele E. &V., Houben J.-L.&N., Georges Lidou, Vergaerde-Denolf, Morent G.&R., Geert Stoop, Vanwildemeersch-Vyncke, Decoster Ronny & Stijn, Dekeyser W.-J.&H., familie Schreel, Erik Denys and Hendrik Mortier.

Concerning their breeding strategy… Ferdinand and Karel prefer to cross several winning families instead of family breeding. Some top breeding pairs are:


“De Kapitein” B08/3127626 x “Denysje” B14/3005479. They became parents of:

  • “Olivier” B16/3024025 with 108th nat. Limoges 10,554b, 20th prov. Chateauroux 1,410b, 349th Limoges 15,789b, 649th nat. Chateauroux 26,695b.
  • “Laurens” B16/3024026 with 28th nat. Brive 9,278b, 137th nat. Limoges 10,554b, 71st nat. Jarnac 5371b.
  • “Romain” B18/3044022 with 218th nat. Tulle 7,155b, 55th prov. Fontenay 4,239b. 
  • “Kasper” B18/3044081 with 420th nat. Tulle 7,155b, 58th prov. Fontenay 4,239b, 1st Clermont 543 d
  • “Steffi” B16/3044044 with 378th nat. Vierzon 11,574b, 62nd interprov. Blois 1892 d, 12th Clermont 240b.

* “De Rino” B13/3046163 x “‘t Pesteltje” B13/3162108. They became parents of:

  • “Gaëlle” B18/3044033 with 2nd interprov. Tours 2629b – 3rd against 3110b, 14th interprov. Blois 1892b, 293rd nat. Montluçon 14104b, 18th interprov. Chateauroux 945b – 27th against 1594b.
  • “De Gino” B16/3024033 with 5th Fontenay 160b, 67th nat. Jarnac 5117b, 137th nat. Cahors 6356b, 375th nat. Tulle 9578b, 529th nat. Limoges 7274b.


* “Triple 7” B11/3170777 x “Dochter Nai” B13/3016189. They became parents of:

  • “Kai” B17/3002902 with 51st nat. Limoges 7236b, 835th nat. Bourges 24055b, 109th interprov. Tours 5864b, 95th interprov. Tours 3110b.
  • “Wout” B15/3018018 with 62nd nat. Brive 9132b, 162nd nat. Limoges 9162b, 266th nat. Montluçon 10753b, 397th nat. La Souterraine 9580b, 472nd nat. Chateauroux 9540b.


* “De Rino” B13/3046163 x “Dochter Kapitein” B12/3016246. They became parents of:

  • “Den Uitbreker” B15/3018031 with 179th nat. Limoges 9661b, 149th nat. Bourges 20284b, 113th nat. Limoges 9162b, 237th nat. Chateauroux 20473b, 102nd nat. Jarnac 5371b, 242nd nat. Argenton 12449b, 107th nat. Tulle 4169b.

*A dream comes true:
After 13 provincial victories, a zonal victory, a national victory, provincial ace birds, 1st Olympiad bird, 2x winner of a One Loft Race, …Ferdinand’s dream came true…. he always wanted to be national champion. Two years ago, this was almost the case but ended up on a more then decent 4th place…also on the long distance and extreme long-distance year birds. But tomorrow never comes wasn’t the case now…as the past season Ferdinand & Karel managed to conquer the national title on the long and extreme long distance for year birds.

The national championship was won with underneath results:

Agen national 4,650b.                   38° with ‘Dokus’               108° with ‘Redstar’
Libourne national 4,354b.             139° with ‘Dokus’             858° with ‘Redstar’
Souillac national 4,056b.                102° with ‘Leo’                  103° with ‘Gaston’
Tulle national 7,155b.                     218° with ‘Romain’          420° with ‘Kasper’

The results and strain of these pigeons that win the national championship are to be found further on in this article.

The winning of the national championship accomplishes nicely their wealthy palmaris. Have a look at the most special results of the past years:
-13 provincial victories
-1st  provincial champion West-Flanders youngsters 1998
-1st  Olympiad bird Sport LD KBDB Porto in 2005
-1st  national Limoges two-year old against 5,607b in 2010
-2nd  One Loft Race FCI Khon Khen Thailand in 2014
-1st  One Loft Race FCI Talent Quatro Czech in 2016 (Fly-4-us)
-1st  One Loft Race FCI Khon Khen Thailand in 2016 (Fly-4-us)
-4th  national champion KBDB LD + ELD yearlings in 2017
-1st  Zonal zone A1 Gueret yearlings in 2018
-1st  national champion KBDB LD + ELD yearlings in 2019
-1st  provincial ace bird KBDB West-Flanders Greater Middle Distance yearlings 2019

In the meantime Karel started up at his house in Zerkegem a small loft of pigeons under the name ‘Hok Denduyver’…and also over there the results didn’t keep us waiting. This is how they had on the 29th of June pigeons on the race from Tours. As usual Karel went to Ichtegem to wait for the pigeons over there first…where they started right at the top on this race. A few minutes after they had 3 pigeons home in Ichtegem (1 yearling and 2 old) , Karel called home to know whether there were also already pigeons home…and yes, also 3 pigeons were already at home in Zerkegem, and if all was correct they would start over there even a bit earlier…full of unbelieve Karel drove home immediately. The result was in fact unbelievable: provincial against 1,627-year birds Ferdinand&Karel win the 2nd … ‘Hok Denduyver’ in Zerkegem won the 1st Provincial…and the 6th, 7th, 21st, …from 14 pigeons basketed.
On the provincial doubles against 2,629b, they have on both lofts each 3 pigeons within the first 21st provincials and this with 16 and 14 pigeons basketed!

*Medical site & side products
First of all, all boxes and loft are being cleaned on a daily base, which is without a doubt good against coccidiosis, worms, airways…Daily the pigeons are taken in hand, which isn’t only good to get more tame pigeons, but also when their might be something wrong, they notice it very quickly.
Before the season starts, vet Noël Simpelaere is being consulted for a deep and thorough check-up. During the season the vet is only being consulted when the results go back (which luckily isn’t the case much for Ferdinand & Karel).
Against trichomoniases they cure during the season monthly, alternating ¼ Flagil or a pill ‘Belga Magix’ (Belgica De Weerd). The pigeons who enter a race every three weeks, are being cured after every race.
During the season they also give alternation a cure with ‘Amoxicure’ or ‘linco-spectin’… both about once or twice a season.
At arrival there are always electrolytes at their disposal in the drinking water. ‘Sedochol’ is something that is being given occasionally 2 days after each other, but this only every 2 or 3 weeks.
Also ‘Aminovit’ (Herbots) is a product that they like to use over here…the pigeons get this sometimes 3 days in a row.

*The game with old, yearlings and young pigeons:
2 years ago they started racing with hens, this with nice results. Therefore, they also raced hens on widowhood last year and this year and in the future, they will keep on doing this.

After the season all pigeons could raise a couple of youngsters, where after:
-the widow cocks are being coupled again at the end of November to breed…the year birds raise 2 youngsters, it happens that the old pigeons only have to raise one youngster.
-the racing hens are only being coupled again beginning of February, where they can also raise a couple of youngsters again.

The hens are being locked up the entire season in their box, this in norm widow boxes where they sit half-box. Three times a day they get food and drinks all together…in the morning, and after 15 minutes they go into their box again. At noon they can go outside, but they don’t train more than 5 to 10 minutes, so they are being called in again and can eat and drink some more to be locked up again afterwards. In the evening the morning ritual is being repeated.

On a weekly base the hens race a race of about 400km. Before basketing the hens get to see their cock 1 to 1,5h and at arrival they can stay together for several hours..
When there are pigeons that maid up amongst each other, at least one of the 2 goes out.

Before the widow cocks got to see their hen before basketing, but they don’t allow that anymore. The yearling cocks do get to see their hens before basketing of shorter races. Later in the season it happens occasionally that they do show a hen before basketing for a bit more motivation. At arrival the hens are waiting, but they can’t stay together if the racing hens.

From the moment on that the youngsters have been weened, a strong selection in hand follows…the pigeons that aren’t that nice in hand go out.
The youngsters are being darkened until the end of May. Once they raced twice Clermont the cocks and hens are being spilt up. The rest of the season there are being raced by the sliding door method.

Aside the fact that they did a strong selection at the beginning, the selection afterwards isn’t that hard for the youngsters. It is from yearling pigeon on that they must show good results and must race top to be able to stay in the team.

*To finish up a few nice results 2019:
Arras 114yl.: 5,8,9,10,11,… 14/20
Arras 209yl.: 25 1/1
Arras 442o.: 3,… 6/6
Clermont 240yl.: 11,12,17,18,… 9/13
Clermont 466o.: 1,19,35,36,38,… 21/34
Fontenay prov. 1008jl.: 22,46,50,75,99,… 10/18
Fontenay 261o.: 3,12,15,16,23,26,… 27/32
Fontenay prov. 2744o.: 15,98,164,176,225,233,272,… 19/32
Blois prov. 1892yl.: 14,45,62,98,… 6/9
Blois 402o.: 1,7,9,13,16,… 9/14
Blois prov. 4845o.: 40,115,167,235,271,… 10/14
Clermont 295yl.: 4,… 4/4
Fontenay 403yl.: 3,4,7,10,… 15/18
Fontenay 869o.: 5,6,10,21,27,… 19/24
Vierzon 125yl.: 1,3,4,… 5/8
Vierzon zone A1 511yl.: 3,15,16,40, 6/8
Tours prov. 5864o.: 108,178,347,348,372,388,389,… 14/18
Tours prov. 3091yl.: 91,162,173,182,… 9/11
Poitiers 569o.: 1,6,23,43,47,50,… 13/20
Poitiers prov. 2854yl.: 5,76,156,169,178,… 8/12
Montauban nat. 5408o.: 806,1142 2/2
Agen nat. 4650yl.: 38,108,188 3/3
Tours prov. 3110o.: 3,12,21,95,109,189,212,… 9/16
Tours prov. 1958yl.: 2,56,98,112,… 6/8
Limoges nat. 9661o.: 179,192 2/4
Montluçon 92yl.: 1,3,7,8, 4/6
Montluçon zone A1 439yl.: 3,10,24,25 4/6
Chateauroux prov. 1328o.: 21,27,… 3/4
Libourne 146yl.: 2,… 2/3
Souillac nat.: 4056yl.: 102,103,110,… 4/5
Tulle nat.: 6206o.: 149,… 2/2
Tulle nat.: 7155yl.: 161,218,238,420 4/4
Fontenay 543yo.: 1,20,30,… 18/24
Chateaudun 433yo.: 4,13,30,33,… 17/24
Clermont 772yo.: 20,32,35,44,48,67,… 22/31
Chateaudun zone A1 2525yo.: 47,179,210,… 9/14
Clermont 318yo.: 5,6,… 7/8
Bourges 683yo.: 3,23,31,37,… 10/16
Pontoise 842yo.: 2,6,8,49,65,67,68,74,… 18/32
Chateauroux 636yo.: 8,34,39,45,… 19/32
Pontoise 503yo.: 18,49,… 6/8
Chateaudun zone A1 986yo.: 16,35,81,… 6/8
Argenton 563yo.: 23,35,45,52,55,57,… 7/10
Pontoise 427yo.: 15,27,… 7/8
Chateauroux 298yo.: 24,… 6/6