APC PVM Powder

(1 customer review)


APC PVM Powdered Minerals 1000 grams

SKU: 3014 Categories: , ,


Highly palatable Australian-made pink powder, rich in vitamins and minerals with added iodine. Developed by Dr. Colin Walker, the “Flying Vet.” (Australian Pigeon Company)

Additional information

Weight 1.5 lbs
Dimensions 6.25 × 3.5 × 3.5 in

1 review for APC PVM Powder

  1. bestpigeonracer

    I’ve had and raced pigeons for almost 40 years, and this is about the best vita-mineral product I’ve ever used. The palatability to the bids is incredible, whenever I feed I put some down fresh and it’s the first thing the birds attack over everything else including food!

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