

Citromed 100ml


Designed by Dr. Nils Reither in Norway, All natural organic acid composed of specific extracts from citrus seeds, especially pomegranite, grapefruit, and other highly acidic citrus fruits. Testing has actually proven that this product helps protect your birds against an array of disease causing pathogens, including Salmonella, E. Coli, Trichomonaisis, Coccidiosis and many simple infections of the gut. This product will help to “sanitize” your drinking water and when used in conjunction with Ecol Tonic amazing results have been achieved in the all out fight against Adeno and Circo, Herpes and PMV viruses. One of Ed Minvielle’s “highly recommended” products

Additional information

Weight 0.50 lbs
Dimensions 3.5 × 2 × 2 in


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